
Speaker of the dead ender's game
Speaker of the dead ender's game

speaker of the dead ender speaker of the dead ender speaker of the dead ender speaker of the dead ender

Many of the other key characters were that same age or older. Ender, who I felt like I understood so well in the previous book, had grown into a thirty-five year old man. So when I jumped into this book, I struggled with the characters. Back then, I did not realize how key this was to how I read, but it was. When I read a book, I look for characters I can relate to. Speaker for the Dead was not something I could appreciate very well when I first read it. And from there we drop into a world full of deep philosophical questions and moral dilemmas. Ender, who has traveled at light-speed from planet to planet for many years, still struggles with his responsibility for what he did as a child and decides he must see the newly found life for himself. Despite the noninterference rules, things go horribly wrong. Given the regrettable way that things turned out the first time we found sentient life, the Starways Congress gives very strict rules for interaction with this new species, colloquially called piggies for their appearance. Speaker for the Dead takes place some three thousand years in the future, on a planet where mankind has discovered intelligent life for the second time ever, this time a species far behind humanity in development. Speaker for the Dead was not at all the follow-up to Ender’s Game that I had hoped for, but I still liked it. As always seems to be the case, my mom was right. My mom warned me that Speaker for the Dead would be a lot different, but I really wanted more of Ender’s Game. I first read Speaker for the Dead right after the first time I read Ender’s Game, when I was in 6th grade. You can find his other posts on the Ender’s Game series here. Editor’s Note: This is the tenth in Stephen Olson’s series of posts reviewing, contemplating, considering, and discussing his experience with Orson Scott Card’s award winning Ender’s Game novels.

Speaker of the dead ender's game