No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. School of Slavonic and East European Studies University College LondonĮditorial matter, selection and Chapter 16 © Celia Hawkesworth 2001 Chapters 1–15, 17–18 © Palgrave Publishers Ltd 2001 All rights reserved.

Customer Services Department, Macmillan Distribution Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS, EnglandĬelia Hawkesworth Senior Lecturer in Serbian and Croatian Studies School of Slavonic and East European Studies University College London Please contact your bookseller or, in case of difficulty, write to us at the address below with your name and address, the title of the series and the ISBN quoted above. Studies in Russia and East Europe Series Standing Order ISBN 0–333–71018-5 (outside North America only) You can receive future titles in this series as they are published by placing a standing order. Titles include: Roger Bartlett and Karen Schönwälder (editors) THE GERMAN LANDS AND EASTERN EUROPE John Channon (editor) POLITICS, SOCIETY AND STALINISM IN THE USSR Stanislaw Eile LITERATURE AND NATIONALISM IN PARTITIONED POLAND, 1795–1918 Celia Hawkesworth (editor) A HISTORY OF CENTRAL EUROPEAN WOMEN’S WRITING Rebecca Haynes ROMANIAN POLICY TOWARDS GERMANY, 1936–40 Geoffrey Hosking and Robert Service (editors) RUSSIAN NATIONALISM, PAST AND PRESENT Lindsey Hughes (editor) PETER THE GREAT AND THE WEST New Perspectives Krystyna Iglicka and Keith Sword (editors) THE CHALLENGE OF EAST–WEST MIGRATION FOR POLAND Andres Kasekamp THE RADICAL RIGHT IN INTERWAR ESTONIA Stephen Lovell THE RUSSIAN READING REVOLUTION Marja Nissinen LATVIA’S TRANSITION TO A MARKET ECONOMY Danuta Paszyn THE SOVIET ATTITUDE TO POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN CENTRAL AMERICA, 1979–90 Vesna Popovski NATIONAL MINORITIES AND CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS IN LITHUANIA, 1988–93Īlan Smith THE RETURN TO EUROPE The Reintegration of Eastern Europe into the European Economy Jeremy Smith THE BOLSHEVIKS AND THE NATIONAL QUESTION, 1917–23 Jeanne Sutherland SCHOOLING IN THE NEW RUSSIA Kieran Williams and Dennis Deletant SECURITY INTELLIGENCE SERVICES IN NEW DEMOCRACIES The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania Studies in Russia and East Europe This series includes books on general, political, historical, economic and cultural themes relating to Russia and East Europe written or edited by members of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, or by authors working in association with the School. A History of Central European Women’s Writing Edited by